Not another bulldog named Bella -- please say it ain't so! Luckily, this Bella's full name is Beluga, like the whale, and from certain angles (as below) it must be said the resemblance to her namesake is uncanny.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the song of the hairy whale
Not another bulldog named Bella -- please say it ain't so! Luckily, this Bella's full name is Beluga, like the whale, and from certain angles (as below) it must be said the resemblance to her namesake is uncanny.
Monday, December 29, 2008
dog used for laughs
The owner of this PBGV -- an acronym denoting not an STD, sandwich, or sports association but the breed also known as Petit Basset Griffin Vendeen -- named her dog Chowder because she wanted "a name that would make people laugh". Chowder, outgoing and a bit hyped up, did not seem to give a hoot but then possibly only speaks French.
Friday, December 26, 2008
samson, shopping
Twelve year-old chocolate lab Samson was spotted returning a pair of pants at Paragon sporting goods (or was that her owner? sometimes the Muttropolitan Diarist gets confused).
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This ice blue-eyed Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog named Bonnie started off her life in New York being offered for sale out of a cardboard box on the sidewalk. Her now-owner's girlfriend saw her and swept her up; Bonnie occasionally encounters her brother, who is as mellow as she is high-energy, and lives in the West Village while she lives in the East Village.
Monday, December 15, 2008
This stiff-legged yet spunky and social Pom (aptly) named Gidget sparked an argument about her age between her two owners: one (in black coat) claimed she was 12, which caused the other (in gray coat)to roll her eyes and exclaim "Twelve!? She's about to turn 14. Everytime someone asks you how old she is she gets younger and younger!". Gray coat then turned to the Muttropolitan Diarist to say "the next time you come by here she'll be six."
Note to Hollywood: The Muttropolitan Diarist would much rather watch Gidget get younger and younger (imagine her as a tiny puffball puppy!) than watch Brad Pitt in "Benjamin Button" do the same.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
young li
Not really so young anymore (sorry, Li!) this feisty l'il Norwich terrier named Liberace is still known by his intimates as Young Li. Like his owners, he appreciates the power of a colorful wintry accessory (or two).
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Westie G.B. was kind enough to park himself by a splotch of orange paint that nearly matched his quilted winter coat (kitted out with a slimming self-belt). Thanks, G.B.!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Reba and Romy
With heads that look as if they've been carved out of ebony, sisters Reba (left) and Romy are intense, gorgeous, aggressive creatures (they growled and lunged at the Muttropolitan Diarist, who was approaching them just as one of their owners said "they're not particularly friendly"). Pointy ears up, they were tracking a squirrel in a nearby tree as their owners explained they were adopted from a shelter in St. Croix, and added something else the M.D. did not know: pups in a litter don't necessarily have the same father. Likely Reba is a mix of lab and chow, and Romy a mix of lab and doberman pinscher. Clearly the dads are to blame for their daughters' aggressive streak: chows are notorious biters; dobermans are simply notorious.
Friday, December 5, 2008
World-renowned goldendoodle
Like a Dr. Seuss character, Molly the goldendoodle (that's a golden retriever-poodle cross) is both cute and odd looking. Testimony to this fact: tourists from around the world have taken her pictures, says her owner, who was braving chilly temperatures to have a cuppa al fresco. Bonus fact: goldendoodles, because of their poodle-itude, don't shed. Ever.
Nameless cheehooey
Sometimes the Muttropolitan Diarist encounters people who will allow their dogs to be photographed but who clearly don't want to talk. Too bad. This stocky little fellow in the zip-up sweater might have had a good story.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
silky golden
There are either multiple Golden Retrievers named Blue in the West Village or "Blue" is the equivalent of "Molly" for Irish Setters (a breed not often seen in New York) or "Ruby" or "Lola" for Pugs. That is to say, a popular choice.
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