Perhaps you have seen this fellow around. No? No, probably not. You probably just walked by him, busy txting. OK, how can I decribe him. So he likes stripes. I think he's got a beard, maybe a moustache. Dog looks a lot like him. Has a thing for accessories. Do you know the guy I mean? Fond of greenery, also flowers. Brights! He likes brights! Like, combinations of brights. And flowers, and greenery, and accessories. Like, all at the same time. Has a dog, in the same palette. No? OK. Um...his name is Ms. Colombia, Queen of the Supremes. Did I mention he has unusual hair? It's sort of...well, I don't think it's natural. I think he dyes it or maybe it's a wig. I can't believe you don't know who I'm talking about. Whatever, I guess it makes sense; I mean, there are just so many people in the city and sometimes you're distracted and also some people just don't stand out.
p.s. Did I mention he carries a dog? Named Cariño. And Ms. Colombia stresses that the dog's hair is dyed with food color, and that it washes out easily, every time the little guy gets washed, which is approximately every two weeks.
p.p.s. Happy Spring from the Muttropolitan Diarist. And Cariño.