Friday, February 1, 2008

little itty-bitty shiba inu puppy

with a danish for a tail


Anonymous said...

I do say I bet you chaps are expecting me to pop in with a story about either my louche weekend in copenhagen with a tasty strumpet or how i once mistook lydia pennyfeather's hat trimmings to be the pastry tray at ascot but in all truth, can't stand danishes. Never could. Give me some plover's eggs and a kipper for breakfast any day. And a glass of tomato juice with horseradish and a raw egg for mornings following Freddie Highchurch's dinner parties. Nothing bucks up the constitution like that.

The Muttropolitan Diarist said...

Verily, the Earl of Domino has quite a thing for plover's eggs. His Lordship had better watch his cholesterol.