Certain dog owners are very concerned that you correctly identify their pet's sex. The Muttropolitan Diarist's mother is one of these people. Once upon a time said mother owned two English bulldogs, both female. Perhaps because of their blocky, butch aspect these dogs were often identified by strangers as male. This perturbed the Diarist's mother enough that she went out and bought two bright pink colors (for the dogs, not herself). The bulldogs in question really did not appear to give a crap about the gender-reassignment-by-stranger issue but wore the collars nonetheless and were, thenceforce, more often than not identified as ladies, not gents and the Diarist's mother, it is assumed, rested easy for reasons that remain elusive to the Diarist. (Years later the Diarist encountered a bulldog wearing a pink collar selected, her owner explained, for the very same reason.)
Pit bull toddler Rocky's owner likewise took umbrage when the Muttropolitan Diarist asked how old "she" is. "He's a boy," the owner said.
"Oh, he's so cute. What's his name?"
"Rocky. He's a boy." OKAY I GOT IT. HE'S A BOY.
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